Sunday, June 30, 2013

What Causes a Kundalini Awakening, Crisis, or Kundalini Syndrome?

In my previous blog, I discussed many of the common symptoms of a Kundalini Awakening. You can read that here. The question for many once they have discovered that they are undergoing a Kundalini Awakening is how it happened, why it happened, and why them.
Why a Kundalini Awakening Occurs
There are several reasons why a Kundalini Awakening occurs:

You were meant to have one: Due to divine reasoning, in this lifetime you simply were meant to undergo a Kundalini Awakening. There are many thoughts on this- but to keep it simple the reasoning is often clear- your soul was ready to be Awake, and to undergo a Kundalini Awakening, and for it to happen in this lifetime. This is the reason all Kundalini Awakenings occur, but you can view the common sub-reasons below.

Yoga, Reiki, Meditation, Tantra and other Spiritual Activities: Sometimes a Reiki attunement, yoga, meditating, receiving shaktipat, or other spiritual activities will start a Kundalini Awakening. There are specific Reiki systems and meditations that are intended to start the process of Kundalini rising. Often, what needs to be realized about this is that the system, meditation, attunement, etc. is not to be blamed, you actually were lead to it because you were meant to have one (see reason number 1).

• Spontaneous Awakening: For more and more people, a Kundalini awakening will seemingly come out of nowhere. This can obviously be disorienting and concerning for people, especially for people who have had no interest in spirituality, or suddenly start experiencing symptoms. Often these people go from Western doctor to doctor, therapist, and can be hospitalized and are often put on drugs and diagnosed with anything from Psychosis, Depression, Agoraphobia, IBS, Parkinson's, MS (Multiple Sclerosis), and a variety of other Central Nervous System and Emotional Imbalances. Everyone who has these issues is not having a Kundalini Awakening, though (just to clarify).

You are not actually having one: Yeah, I will say it. Most people who think they are undergoing a Kundalini awakening are not actually undergoing one. They have had a peak experience (an experience in which you have feelings of oneness and greater spiritual understanding) such as a Reiki attunement, shaktipat, or practicing meditation or participating in Tantra or other activities has gotten you in touch with the Kundalini fire in your body temporarily. Simply feeling the flow of Kundalini in your body is not Kundalini Syndrome/Crisis… It is often a temporary thing. A real Kundalini Awakening is permanent (it does have ebbs and flows, though) and is a life changing event.

Difference between Kundalini Awakening and Kundalini Syndrome/Crisis
The difference between the two is minimal in some ways, and huge in others. The basic difference is functionality. A Kundalini Awakening when you are already very awake, aware, and spiritual is very different than the freight train of symptoms that occur with a Kundalini crisis. A Kundalini Awakening allows for the flow of your central channel/spine to fully be active. This awakening frees all the stagnant energies in your physical body, emotions, and other bodies, including the chakras. It puts you directly in the path of divine flow, and the divine dance of unfolding.
Simply put, if you have already worked through all (or most) of your emotional, physical, and spiritual issues from this lifetime as well as any other lifetimes a Kundalini Awakening will be a big shift, but one that you are more able to handle. But if you are stuck emotionally, physically, spiritually, and have a lot of baggage from this lifetime as well as other issues (past life, ancestral, other energetic and spiritual happenings) going on, a Kundalini Awakening is likely to hit you like a freight train, and all of the issues in your body are going to appear at the same time to be processed. 

Imagine if every single issue- physical, emotional, spiritual, came up to be healed at the same time. That is what happens with a Kundalini Awakening. Often, in a Kundalini Crisis/Syndrome there is resistance to the process and a lot of fear- which is understandable, especially if you have no idea what the hell is going on. This makes it so much worse, and will worsen any symptoms that you have. Also making this worse is that many who claim to understand Kundalini and have undergone the process may not know what they are talking about, and that there are limited, real resources for modern Kundalini awakenings and true crisis, especially resources that know what they are talking about, or do not feed in to your fears about the process.

Next posting will be: Now What? How to Deal once you realize you have a Kundalini Awakening or Kundalini Crisis/Syndrome going on... Questions? Contact me at

What is a Kundalini Awakening or Kundalini Syndrome?

A Kundalini Awakening in simple terms it is the awakening of dormant spiritual energy in the base of the spine (between the coccyx/tailbone and the anus if you want to get technical about it). This energy works it way up the spine to the top of the head, eventually making a circuit of energy through the midline of your body.

Just to clarify- there are actually a lot of different types of Spiritual Awakenings. Kundalini is perhaps the most infamous, and the modern day New Age community has appropriated the term Kundalini awakening for any type of spiritual awakening or spiritual growth. Classically, this is not true.
There are discrete symptoms that a Kundalini awakening has that are completely different than the different types of awakenings (Shamanic, Psychic, Pranic, Top Down Awakening, for example) and must be worked with differently due to the typically intense and life-changing symptoms.
So what are the symptoms of Kundalini awakening?
Intense heat- typically starting at the base of the spine, but can occur throughout the spinal cord or throughout the body. Some people actually feel intense heat and cold
Kriyas and Mudras spontaneously occurring- body twitches and movements- spontaneous finger, hand gestures and yogic body postures
Awareness of Energy Flows through the body- sudden realizations and knowledge about acupuncture channels, chakras, and how energy flows through the body, feeling of energy circulating the spine
Disassociation and Feeling Separate From Oneself- typically a trauma response. Feelings that there is so much going on in the body that you are unable to mentally or physically comprehend so you disconnect from the physical body
Near Death Experiences, Extreme Physical Symptoms-  A near death experience can be a reason why Kundalini begins to rise, but it can also be caused by Kundalini rising as well. Typically these physical symptoms are not explainable by Western Medicine (although I encourage you to see a physician). I will explain what to do if you are having Kundalini issues in another blog post in the near future.
Huge Spiritual Shifts within a short period of time- increase in psychic abilities, or developing psychic abilities that you did not have before. Understanding the spiritual nature of things. Seeing grids, patterns, snakes, huge shifts in your own spiritual understandings.
Extreme Personality Changes and Mental Imbalances- it is fairly common for people undergoing a Kundalini awakening to get divorces, separate from family and friends, move, feel waves of depression as well as bliss, and in general feel a lot of fear about what is going on with them. A total personality and life change often occurs. Who you were and who you are now are totally different, which causes a lot of confusion, grief, fear in yourself and family/friends.
Waves of Bliss, Spontaneous Orgasms, Feelings of Oneness- a Kundalini awakening allows for you to feel divine flows of energy as well as see through the illusion of separateness.
Headaches and Migraines
• Intense Back and Spine pain
• Extreme Energy Fluctuations-
feeling extremely energized, almost manic with insomniac tendencies to chronic fatigue issues with extreme body heaviness and depression
Slowing and Speeding of Heart Rate
Digestive Issues & Vomiting- issues with nausea, limited ability to eat foods (except for bland, simple foods), bloating, diarrhea or constipation.
Hormonal Imbalances
• Inability to Function
• Addictions
Individual Chakra Related Dysfunctions- this occurs as kundalini fire begins to rise and the individual chakras begin to open. For example, it is not unusual for someone with a Kundalini Awakening in their first chakra (until it has opened the chakra) to experience a sensation of constant fire around the genitals and anus, sexual arousal, tailbone and low back pain, heat going into the legs, UTI's, visions of ancestral, safety, and fear (first chakra emotional issues), digestive dysfunction, etc.

As you can see, this is a huge list. It is not uncommon for those undergoing a Kundalini Awakening to have all the symptoms listed, but for it to be truly a Kundalini Awakening (as opposed to something else), diagnostic criteria would include: intense feelings of fire and heat (or rarely cold), huge energy shifts, extreme personality changes, inability to function for a period of time, waves of bliss, spontaneous body, hand, and finger movements, and huge leaps in spiritual understandings. I cannot decide for someone if they are undergoing a Kundalini Awakening, and if you are having extreme physical symptoms, check in with a doctor.

Next, I will discuss what causes a Kundalini Awakening, and the best treatment strategies for it. If you would like to contact me about this blog or for a session, you can do that at
Eventually I hope to have resources for health professionals about how to work with patients who are experiencing Kundalini syndrome and other Spiritual Awakenings so that people can get proper assistance for this often misdiagnosed and misunderstood shift, but until then I offer private sessions via phone, Skype, or email.
Thanks for reading!

Geomagnetic Storm Meditation: Raising Your Frequency through Meditation

In case anyone is feeling out of sorts: there is a geomagnetic storm going on right now (for the next 15 hours or so)… which in very simple terms causes solar winds to increase the pressure within the Earth's magnetic fields. If you are out of balance, or are still working within the confines of cosmic consciousness, you will feel headaches, fatigue, lack of concentration, and basically feelings of heaviness and not wanting to do much.

If you are able to work with this, or want to learn how to absorb this energy for your own use, it is a great time to ground yourself, use this extra magnetized energy to build up your aura and subtler energy bodies, which will allow for you to be a bigger "force" in this world, build up your aura, as well as can be used as a manifestation tool.

Working with the Geomagnetic Storm: Note of caution, do not do this if you are not feeling balanced. It actually creates a pretty big leap forward in consciousness if you do it right (friendly warning) and is considered a medium to advanced meditation (as in, don't do this if it is your first time trying to meditate).

The Meditation:
• Sit in a favorite meditation pose, ideally outside or at the very least with your feet touching the ground or earth.
• Allow yourself to briefly check in with your physical body, your energy bodies, until you can sense the outer edges of your aura which basically forms a "bubble" surrounding you
• Now bring your focus to the Earth as a whole- get a sense of the windy, magnetic energy that surrounds and penetrates the earth right now
• Again bring your focus back to your energy bodies
• Allow for the magnetic energy of the Earth energy to slowly merge into the outer edge of your aura on all sides, filling up the "bubble" of your aura evenly. You should feel this as a buzzing, heavy energy, or may see it as a light
• Allow for this energy to slowly expand and fill your aura.
• If you are ready, it will create a new "ring" or band in your energetic field, allowing for you to connect with earth energies and solar energies on a deeper, more intimate level.

Advanced Meditation
If you are able to feel/visualize the band/ring, you may choose to continue
Aura/Field Building: Consolidation of The Ring
• Allow for the ring to fully consolidate around you
• Look to see if there are any broken lines or unevenness to the ring. If there is, allow for your focus to go to the space you notice that is fractured, broken, or uneven and allow for the vibration to build it up
• Allow for your focus to go back to the ring until you can sense or see the ring even, bright, and full completely surrounding you.
• Move the ring slowly in and out, closer to your body and further into your body (between one inch and 12 inches away from your body). Feel or see where it is most comfortable.
• Allow for the ring to permanently settle in to your field where it feels comfortable.
• Meditate on the ring, feeling the vibration, getting to know it. Ask the ring how it can remain permanently with you, what gifts it has for you, and how you can utilize it.

Manifestation Using The Ring
• Connect with the buzzing/frequency of the band that is now a part of your field.
• Visualize or speak out loud what you would like to manifest. Make it simple to begin with.
• Realize that with manifesting it is a co-creation: you and the Universe. Meaning that you may get what you ask for, but it is likely not going to be exactly how you may wish for it to occur.
• Feel, visualize/allow for the frequency to carry that message like waves coming off of you into the earth and all directions (basically visualize or feel the expansion of the ring that is now a part of your aura until you feel it reach its target).
• Once you feel that it has reached its target, the sensation of the ring surrounding you will build back up again and you will have an inner sense of knowing.

All material copyright 2013 M. Shutan. Visit for more information about me, my practice, or to contact me.